Opening hours of Museums and Sites on Kos

The table below shows the prices and opening hours for the main archaeological sites and museums of the island of Kos. The times and rates shown may vary.

Asklepion 8.30-20.00 last entry 19.30 8€ Free under 18
Over 65 -50%
Fortress of Kos 8.30-15.00 Tuesday Free Free under 18
Over 65  50%
Archeological Museum 8.30-19.30 Tuesday 3€ Free under 18
Over 65 – 50%
Casa Romana 8.00-15.30 Monday 6€ Free under 18
Over 65 – 50%
Agora – Kos town 8.30-20.00 free
Western archeological site free free
Traditional house in Antimachia 9.00-18.00 1,00€ Free under 18
Fortress in Pyli free free
Fortress in Antimachia free free

Kos Island has seen countless cultures come and go over the centuries. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the island is full of noteworthy monuments from different historical periods: Ottoman mosques, iconic Roman monuments, Medieval castles, ruins of Byzantine settlements, former Italian public buildings and so much more, unfold the island’s rich history.